Promotion of Young Scientists


For more than 10 years the CoMM has been successfully promoting Young Scientists at different levels of their careers. We help to identify talents on the high-school level, we support the training of PhD-students of our Research Networks and we assist newly appointed young scientists in finding their way in the new research environment.

University level


  • Potential PhD students as well as trainees of our integrated Research Networks find bundled information on the research topics and the methods used by the COMM members on our homepage.
  • The CoMM Events Calendar informs about interesting dates relating the PhD projects or with respect to an education beyond the horizon of the own project.
  • Whenever possible, we integrate the trainees of our integrated Research Networks in COMM events like lecture series (e.g. Bench meets Bedside, Industry meets University) in order to support the establishment of contacts to potential emplyoers.
  • We support newly appointed young scientists to find their way in the new research environment.
  • We help with the integration process into existing research networks.
  • We offer support to raise third-party funds.

High-school level

  • Development, conception and didactic design of teacher training courses and pupil internships (in cooperation with the “Landesisititut für Pädagogik und Medien”, LPM)
  • Annual preparation courses for attendees of the BioOlympionics (Molecular Biology, Biochemistry) in cooperation with the LPM
  • Implementation of practical courses on Molecular Biology & Biochemistry for pupils occupying Natural Sciences in high-schools
  • Annual participation in University events to promote girls interested in science (UniCamp, GirlsDay)
  • Advicing of pupils on career choices and participation in “Vocational Training Days” of high-schools
  • Arrangement of traineeships in COMM member labs