Knowledge & Technology Transfer
The COMM aims to foster the transfer of knowledge & technology in the Medical School, the University and the Clinical Center. In addition we aim to support the utilization of research results ready for application into the industry in order to create new jobs in the region. We use the following tools to achieve these goals:

The COMM homepage provides bundled information about our members, their research topics and the methods they use. Furthermore it informs about interesting News in the area of Molecular Medicine and and provides an inter-faculty Events Calendar.
Lecture series

To promote the exchange between basic researchers, clinicians and representatives of biomedical oriented companies from the surrounding area, we organized several lecture series in recent years, e.g. Bench meets Bedside (2014), where representatives of several clinical departments of the University Hospital were invited for talks on current research projects and Industry meets University (2012, 2013), where we invited representatives of several biomedical companies from the surrounding area for presenting their portfolios, services, career opportunities etc. In each case, casual after-talk meetings served for a more intensive exchange between basic researchers, application-oriented clinicians and industrial representatives.

- Job postings on the COMM homepage and pre-sorting of applications
- Room management (building 61.4, Details)
- Production and distribution of information material
- Matchmarking (bringing together scientists for potential cooperation projects)
Cooperation with decision-making bodies of the research policy

The COMM undertakes various representational duties like the representation of the center during the evaluation of the School of Medicine by the Science Council (Wissenschaftsrat) in July 2013 and the representation of the IRTG 1830 at the workshop of all DFG-funded International Research Training Groups with North American partners in the life sciences area at the DFG Office North America in New York in October 2016.