Welcome to the COMM

….and to top-class research at the Medical School of the Saarland University.


Established in 2006 the Competence Center Molecular Medicine (COMM) forms a roof structure for about 80 ambitious scientists who are conducting research in the field of Molecular Medicine. Irrespective of the responsibilities of other elements and facilities of the Saarland University, the COMM aims to strengthen the research in the overlapping fields of basic investigations in biomedical sciences, clinical medicine and applied technical developments. Learn more


The overall goal of the COMM members is to provide new impulses for the diagnosis of various membrane-associated diseases and to develop new therapeutic approaches. They are active both in basic and applied research and closely cooperate in different research centers and research associations. Learn more

News of the month (February 2020)

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events at this time.


PhD / Postdoc Positions available at the Department of Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Center for Molecular Signaling (PZMS) in the research group of Prof. Bianca Schrul (for further information, link here)


Research Networks

Publications (circa)

Meet the Management

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin van der Laan

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin van der Laan

Director (Theoretical Medicine)

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Menger

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Menger

Director (Clinical Medicine)

Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Amoroso

Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Amoroso

Managing Director

Einfach und auf Deutsch

Das COMM unterstützt den Wissenstransfer, die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs und die Vernetzung im Bereich Molekulare Medizin des Schwerpunkts “NanoBioMed – Leben und Materie” der Universität des Saarlandes. Besuchen Sie unsere deutschsprachige Seite, um mehr über Molekulare Medizin, unsere Aktivitäten und über die Forschung der COMM-Wissenschaftlerinnen und -Wissenschaftler zu erfahren. Weiterlesen